E-Web Marketing partners with WildJar to offer advanced call tracking solutions to its clients.

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E-Web Marketing announces a bold collaboration with WildJar, the number one Call Tracking solution in France, to provide its clients with cutting-edge call tracking tools. By integrating WildJar with HubSpot, this alliance promises to revolutionize the attribution of calls to marketing campaigns, thus strengthening the digital strategy of each business. Thanks to this innovative synergy, marketing professionals now benefit from advanced features, including a content AI assistant to optimize every phone interaction and maximize the impact of their marketing initiatives.

E-Web Marketing partners with WildJar to provide its clients with advanced call tracking solutions. With this integration, businesses can now effectively attribute their phone calls to different marketing campaigns. This collaboration enables better management of the digital strategy by using innovative tools to measure performance and analyze customer feedback. With WildJar’s Call Tracking, equip yourself for precise and comprehensive management of your phone interactions, thereby boosting your productivity and marketing efficiency.

discover how our partnership for call tracking can optimize your communication and maximize your team's effectiveness. benefit from in-depth analysis and tailored solutions to improve your customer relationships.

E-Web Marketing has decided to take a new step by partnering with WildJar, the number one call tracking solution in France. This partnership now allows E-Web Marketing to offer its clients advanced tools to attribute phone calls to marketing campaigns. Thanks to this collaboration, each incoming call can be analyzed accurately, allowing for the precise determination of which campaign generated the call. By integrating these innovative solutions, E-Web Marketing aims to significantly improve the performance of its clients’ campaigns.

Features and Benefits of WildJar Solutions

The new features offered by WildJar include a content AI assistant that facilitates the creation and optimization of marketing content. This AI analyzes call data to glean valuable insights, thus optimizing future campaigns. Additionally, the web-call-back system offered by WildJar allows customers of businesses to request a callback, thereby enhancing engagement and customer satisfaction. These solutions are designed to be easily integrated into project management tools like HubSpot, making their implementation both quick and efficient.

Impact on Digital Marketing Strategy

By integrating WildJar solutions into their toolkit, E-Web Marketing helps its clients better manage their digital strategy. Call tracking becomes an essential lever for analyzing the return on investment of marketing campaigns. By attributing each call to a specific campaign, businesses can adjust their strategies in real-time, thereby maximizing their effectiveness and productivity. This integration fits perfectly in an era where data-driven marketing has become indispensable for any ambitious digital project manager.


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