Eset warns: upgrade from Windows 10 to 11 to eliminate any risk of security vulnerability

découvrez pourquoi eset recommande la mise à jour vers windows 11 pour éliminer les risques de failles de sécurité. protégez votre système contre les menaces potentielles et assurez une meilleure défense de vos données personnelles.

The security of our computer systems has become a crucial issue at present. Eset, a well-known company in the field of cybersecurity, raises an alarm: users of Windows 10 should consider upgrading to Windows 11. The risk of a growing security fiasco is approaching with the end of support for Windows 10, and time is running out to avoid potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals. Transitioning to a more secure system therefore seems essential to preserve the integrity of our data and devices.

Mandatory Transition to Windows 11 to Avoid Security Risks

Eset issues a crucial warning for users of Windows 10: it is imperative to migrate to Windows 11 before the end of its support scheduled for October 14, 2025. Currently, around 32 million computers in Germany are still running on Windows 10, representing nearly 65% of devices, while Windows 11 is only installed on 16.5 million systems.

Security experts, including Thorsten Urbanski from Eset, emphasize that the current situation is far more critical than at the time of the withdrawal of Windows 7. Users often remain on Windows 10 due to the more demanding hardware configuration of Windows 11. Eset also advises users whose machines are not compatible with Windows 11 to explore other operating systems, like Linux, to avoid potential security fiascos that could arise from inaction.

Eset warns: discover why switching from Windows 10 to Windows 11 is essential to eliminate security vulnerability risks. Protect your data and ensure the security of your system by taking this crucial update.

The end of support for Windows 10 is fast approaching, with the fateful date set for October 14, 2025. Eset, a cybersecurity company, sounds the alarm and strongly recommends that users proceed with the update to Windows 11. Such a transition is essential to avoid any risk of security breach, which could expose computers to potentially devastating threats. Currently, about 32 million computers in Germany are still running Windows 10, accounting for about 65% of devices in the country.

Risks Incurred by Staying on Windows 10

Staying on Windows 10 could lead to a real security fiasco. Eset experts have pointed out that the situation is much more concerning than it was at the end of support for Windows 7. Cybercriminals are aware of the imminence of this date and are already preparing their attacks. The lack of security updates for Windows 10 post-2025 will expose users to heightened threats, including malware and ransomware.

Solutions for Migrating to Windows 11

For users who cannot upgrade to Windows 11 due to hardware constraints, Eset recommends exploring other operating systems, such as Linux. This can prove to be a viable solution for users of older machines that cannot meet the hardware requirements of Windows 11. It is essential to act now, as every day spent on an obsolete version increases the risks of cyberattacks.

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