Digitalization in industry: the Forterro study reveals the trends for 2024

A study conducted by Forterro among 200 French industrial companies reveals a mixed picture of digitalization in the industry. While the adoption of ERP systems is progressing, the migration to the Cloud is still hindered by internal resistances and regulatory concerns.

Digitalization and ERP Adoption: An Inevitable Trend

The digitalization of French industrial companies is in full expansion. A recent survey conducted in June 2024 among 200 French industrial companies by Forterro reveals interesting trends regarding the adoption of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. Although companies show an increasing interest in digitalization, they continue to face significant obstacles. The study’s results show that 65% of the surveyed companies have implemented an ERP in the past six years. However, this adoption remains heterogeneous, especially depending on the size of the company.

The survey highlights the most cited benefits of ERP systems. At the top of the list, 39% of the surveyed companies acknowledge improved management and planning. Increased efficiency follows closely behind, at 38%. These two aspects are perceived as major levers to increase competitiveness. Other benefits such as process optimization (35%) and cost reduction (34%) are also widely mentioned. For small businesses, the main interest in ERP lies in improving efficiency. Medium-sized companies, on the other hand, emphasize supply chain management. “The ERP allows us to better organize our internal processes while helping us reduce costs,” shares a participating company.

Cloud Adoption and Resistance to Change

Despite the obvious benefits, Cloud adoption remains a delicate step for many companies. Indeed, 60% of the ERP systems used by French industrial companies are still installed on-site. Only 28.5% have migrated to the Cloud. This figure reflects a reluctance to take the plunge, hindered by concerns related to regulations and data security.

The Cloud represents an opportunity, but regulatory compliance and internal resistance slow down our adoption,” explains one of the respondents. However, the study shows that this trend could evolve quickly. A projection indicates that 38% of companies are considering migrating to the Cloud in the coming months. Small businesses are the most inclined to make this choice, particularly due to the lack of internal resources to manage an on-site ERP.

The digitalization of French industrial companies comes with technological challenges. The study reveals that among the companies’ priorities for the next 18 months, the use of internal data (43%) and artificial intelligence (42%) rank at the top. These priorities emphasize the importance of leveraging data to enhance decision-making processes and optimize companies’ competitiveness in constantly evolving markets.

Article based on a press release received by the editorial team.

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